Earlier in the year I put some time into a 3D project that involved the sea. We bagged ourselves a superyacht and headed off into the sun.
In our quest to get more experience in the 3D and GFX we started to put together a scene - purely in a freeform jazz sort of way - which was, nice.
As our thirst for knowledge grew, so did the scene and, to be honest, we ran out of steam on it. What we started off thinking was great, was not so great at the end of the process and some of the stuff we did near the end of the process wasn't so good as some of the stuff we created at the start!
We learnt tons but the project morphed so many times that it just sits there in a number of folders V1, V2 … V53 etc (you get the picture) and doesn't do anything now.
As part of that process I like to take screen grabs of where I'm at and the images on this post are exactly that. So, pretty rough around the edges but looking back I still like some of the images.
But as ever I wanted to create moving imagery. After a lifetime of static 2D imagery and graphics I force myself to make everything move. So rather than letting it sit on the shelf I thought I'd let it loose to enjoy some light. Below is a gritty look through what I would call a sketch book of images.